
Managing the Shared Resources

Managing the Shared Resources

Most Enterprise project companies use a common resource pool to draw on for all of its Projects. As a result, resources get assigned to work on multiple projects at the same time (shares resources). In this kind of companies, managing the resource assignment is critical for successful delivery of a project. However, despite the criticality, many companies do not have any procedures and not know-how to deal with shared resources. Most often, the following two scenarios take place in these companies:

1- Planners lack the resource loading and levelling expertise and company’s team have no clue what they are omitting

2- For every project, the planner creates a new resource pool without considering the shared resources. As a result, some resources get assigned full time for the same period on more than 1 project. For example, a company runs 4 projects. The Planner(s), creates a separate resource pool for each project despite an Electrical Engineer that has been assigned to Project A and Project D.

When these projects get started, because the electrical engineer was assigned full time to both projects, then

– To complete the projects on time, an additional Electrical Engineer will be required

– With one resource, either both projects will be delayed or one will take the priority and will have less delay and the other one will have a massive delay

This is a simple example to illustrate the importance of managing the shared resources. In a large corporate where they run couple of dozens of projects at the same time using the same resource pool, the situation gets very complicated which required expensive Resource Pool Administration procedure by the Planning team/lead who knows exactly how to deal with all the complexities. As per our experiences, Resource Pool Administration does not get managed correctly as a result, the projects get delayed and the company loses huge amounts of money, reputation, etc.

If the planners of such companies are using the standalone version of the software, Resource Pool Administration does not happen, then the company is on the verge of collapse.

So, do not wait but contact us to assist you in Resource Pool Administration and setting it correctly

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